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Koralli – fitted furnishings for public spaces

We manufacture and install demanding fitted furnishings for public spaces.

Daycare centre furnishings

We manufacture and install made-to-measure fitted furnishings for daycare centres

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School furnishings

We manufacture and install made-to-measure fitted furnishings for schools.

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Shop furnishings and counters

We manufacture and install made-to-measure fitted shop furnishings.

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Fitted café furnishings

We manufacture and install fitted, made-to-measure café furnishings.

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Reception counters

We manufacture and install made-to-measure fitted reception counters.

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Furnishings for public spaces and fitted furnishings

Public spaces work when they are well-designed and realised with experience and expertise. Koralli-Tuote Oy is a Kokkola-based, traditional, family-run company whose key areas of expertise are demanding furnishings for public spaces and, in particular, fitted furnishings for public spaces, realised on a project basis.

Our expertise is in specialist furnishings and made-to-measure fitted furnishings for the health care sector, but we also supply made-to-measure furnishings to a range of other sites. For many years now, we have been manufacturing and installing furnishings for public spaces, such as schools, daycare centres, companies’ foyer areas, shops and cafés.

Specialist furnishings manufactured by Koralli include info counters, reception counters, specialist coat rack solutions, and other storage solutions for all public spaces.

Our solutions allow designers to take into account the company’s visual identity or the architecture of the space when selecting fitted furnishings.

Furnishing solutions for public spaces require solid expertise in suitable materials and implementation techniques. Often, the final details of the finished solution are not established until the realisation stage, in close collaboration with designers and builders.

Fitted furnishings ensure that a public space works

Public spaces are also challenging for designers and construction companies in terms of their utilisation rate and intended purpose. Fitted furnishings play a key role how the space works in practice.

Koralli produces furnishings for public spaces as fitted furnishings, on a project basis, and taking into account the special requirements of each site. We provide our expert assistance to both the designers and those who will ultimately be implementing the designs. Our strength is our ability to serve as the link between architects and construction companies. We can only achieve successful end results in the realisation of public spaces when the collaboration between those designing and those realising flows smoothly.

Best of all, the furnishings we manufacture for public spaces are always stylish and durable. This allows us to ensure that the space is functional, comfortable and durable.

If you are an architect designing a public space and require fitted furnishings for the space, look no further than our made-to-measure furnishings. Above all, we can also provide you with expert technical assistance and partnership from a company that knows how to make the furnishing solutions you have designed a reality.

For construction companies we can provide reliable cost calculations and dependable deliveries for our fitted furnishings, as well as an installation service.

We pride ourselves on openness and equality, both within the company and when dealing with our customers and partners. Get in touch to find out more!

We believe in the quality of our work and products


Our project-based method takes into account the specific requirements of each site and every customer. Smooth coordination between the design and realisation stages is vital in ensuring a successful end result.


We believe in quality and have a strong desire to develop our products and expertise. We are continuously investing in product development and our own expertise, in order to maintain our reputation as a reliable supplier, technical expert and trustworthy partner.


We specialise in comprehensive furnishing solutions. Our expertise and assistance can be relied upon by architects in the technical realisation of their designs, construction companies in contract calculations and delivery times, and end users in ensuring that their space works as it should.


Our fundamental values are integrity, openness and equality, both within the company and in cooperation with our customers and partners. Our key objective is to always make sure projects are completed as agreed, with no cutting corners during the process or compromising on the end result; instead, we aim to work with joy and enthusiasm befitting of a family-run company.

REFERENSSI: Meilahden kolmiosairaala

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